Marshmallow root is commonly found in natural skin and hair care products, but have you ever stopped to wonder why? Most of us associate marshmallow with the sweet puffs used for campfire treats and the like. Traditionally, the marshmallows we love to eat were made with powdered marshmallow root. Known as Althea officinalis (Althea means healing in Greek), this ingredient has been used medicinally since ancient times as a wound healer and a sore throat remedy, among other uses. Have you ever sipped Throat Coat, the tea by Traditional Medicinals? Marshmallow root is the main ingredient that adds to the slippery texture of this soothing drink.
Marshmallow root has properties that make it cooling, healing, and moisturizing. The flavonoids in marshmallow root offer serious anti-inflammatory properties that calm skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Similar to glycerin, marshmallow root is emollient and can aid problems like dry, brittle hair. When marshmallow root is mixed with water it forms a gel-like, slippery substance (this slip makes it a great fit for hair products). That’s because marshmallow root is a mucilaginous herb, which gives it the ability to coat, protect and soothe skin and hair. It can actually bind to proteins in the hair to make it look thicker. If you want to help calm and soften inflamed skin or enhance the condition of your hair, look for products with marshmallow root in the ingredients.
Want to add marshmallow root to your skin or hair care routine? Here are a few products to get you started…